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来源:知识产权学术与实务研究网  作者:  时间:2017-05-04  阅读数:

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Research on Intellectual Property Issues in Chinese Media Industry and Solutions


Abstract: Chinese media industry has developed at an increasing speed recently. In the context of technical advance and industry convergence and recombination, intellectual property issues occurs frequently, which brings intellectual laws and media laws a few challenges. These issues range from laggardness of legislation, intermedia infringement and cross-border infringement macroscopically to problems of copyrights, trademarks and unfair competition on a micro level. Copyright problems are about subject and object of copyrights and rights limitation in media industry, and trademark problems include scramble of registering trademarks and misuse of trademarks in media publicity. Unfair competition refers to which mainly appears inside media industry. Solutions below may help address these issues: improving and optimizing legislation; stimulating markets forces and transforming government role; perfecting industry self-regulation system and profession autonomy; resolving disputes concerning foreign elements; and energizing international cooperation and exchange.

Key Words: Media Industry; Intellectual Property; Solutions






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